If you are reading this page chances are good that you have both Splunk and Okta. The good news is that there is a pre-built TA (https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/2806/) to help with the data ingest and parsing, plus an app (https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/2821/) to help with the visualizations. However, there is always room to improve and thus we created and are sharing some additional lookup dashboards to make the data more actionable.
![]() |
Figure 1: At the time of this article, an Okta TA and App exists |
We shared a user lookup tool in part I of the series: http://securitysynapse.blogspot.com/2019/06/parsing-and-displaying-okta-data-part-i-user-lookup.html
In this second article, we will show how to create a group lookup tool (with member drilldown!) using the information contained within the Okta logs. Since Okta has quite a bit of user and group information, the existing data makes a useful Rolodex (again, ask your parents) that is available to Splunk. This is especially useful to a SOC analyst who might be tracking down a user or group.
Figure 2: Group Lookup Tool created using Okta data! |
Data Categorization
Okta data brought in via the TA is easily distinguishable via the source field. For example:
- okta:user
- okta:event
- okta:group
- okta:app
Raw Log
A sample group event is shown below. Our event also contained a multi-value field called members{} which contains the user ID for the members of that group:
"id": "00g1emaKYZTWRYYRRTSK",
"created": "2015-02-06T10:11:28.000Z",
"lastUpdated": "2015-10-05T19:16:43.000Z",
"lastMembershipUpdated": "2015-11-28T19:15:32.000Z",
"objectClass": [
"type": "OKTA_GROUP",
"profile": {
"name": "West Coast Users",
"description": "All Users West of The Rockies"
"_links": {
"logo": [
"name": "medium",
"href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/img/logos/groups/okta-medium.png",
"type": "image/png"
"name": "large",
"href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/img/logos/groups/okta-large.png",
"type": "image/png"
"users": {
"href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/groups/00g1emaKYZTWRYYRRTSK/users"
"apps": {
"href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/groups/00g1emaKYZTWRYYRRTSK/apps"
Source: https://developer.okta.com/docs/api/resources/groups#get-group
Fields we need to parse
Fortunately, the available TA already parses the data for us, but the fields that we are most interested in for this lookup dashboard are the following:- type
- groupScope
- windowsDomainQualifiedName
- name
- description
- created
- lastUpdated
- lastMembershipUpdated
- members{}
Feel free to modify the search and replace fields as needed.
Search String
A simple search string that gets us the table needed is shown below. We deduplicated the results by id since it is a unique field. We also added a count of the number of members (num_members) in each group. Now just add filters such as the ones we provided in our dashboard code at the end of the article and you are in business!
index=okta source=okta:group | dedup id | eval num_members=mvcount('members{}') | fillnull value=0 num_members | table dest, type, profile.groupScope, profile.windowsDomainQualifiedName, profile.name, profile.description, created, lastUpdated, lastMembershipUpdated, num_members
The dashboard code we included below also contains a group drilldown to reveal the users in the group. Simply click the row of the group you are interested in and it will show you the users in that group. This clever drilldown pulls the members{} multi-value field and performs a user lookup (source=okta:user) as seen in the previous article. Note, we also use a clever <fields> trick to hide the members{} column, but still make it usable in the drilldown.
Even though we had a Splunk TA and App to perform the parsing and help create visibility, we extended the usefulness of the data to build a group lookup tool with member drilldown. We hope this article helps others gain additional insight into their user and group data via Okta logs. Happy Splunking!Dashboard Code
The following dashboard assumes that the appropriate logs are being collected and sent to Splunk. Additionally, the dashboard code assumes an index of okta. Feel free to adjust as necessary. Splunk dashboard code provided below:
<label>Okta Group Lookup</label>
<description>index=okta source=okta:group (First try last 6 hours, then try a longer time range)</description>
<fieldset autoRun="true" submitButton="true">
<input type="time" token="time">
<label>Time Range</label>
<input type="text" token="wild">
<label>Wildcard Search</label>
<input type="text" token="name">
<label>Group Name (Exact match)</label>
<input type="text" token="description">
<label>Group Description</label>
<input type="dropdown" token="exclude_empty_groups">
<label>Exclude Empty Groups</label>
<choice value="members{}=*">Yes</choice>
<choice value="">No</choice>
<title>Group Details</title>
<query>index=okta source=okta:group $wild$ profile.name=$name$ profile.description=*$description$* $exclude_empty_groups$ | dedup id | eval num_members=mvcount('members{}') | fillnull value=0 num_members | table dest, type, profile.groupScope, profile.windowsDomainQualifiedName, profile.name, profile.description, created, lastUpdated, lastMembershipUpdated, num_members, members{}</query>
<option name="count">10</option>
<option name="dataOverlayMode">none</option>
<option name="drilldown">cell</option>
<option name="percentagesRow">false</option>
<option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>
<option name="rowNumbers">false</option>
<option name="totalsRow">false</option>
<option name="wrap">true</option>
<set token="members">$row.members{}$</set>
<title>Members (Click a row above to fetch the members of the group)</title>
<query>| stats count as id | eval id=split("$members$", ",") | mvexpand id | join type=left id [search index=okta source=okta:user id IN ($members$) | table id, credentials.provider.type, profile.title, profile.firstName, profile.middleName, profile.lastName, profile.email, profile.primaryPhone, created, passwordChanged, lastLogin, status]</query>
<option name="drilldown">none</option>
<option name="rowNumbers">true</option>
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